Entry to, departure from and transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus for foreign citizens
When planning a trip to the Republic of Belarus, keep in mind that if you are not careful when preparing all the necessary documents, you may experience certain difficulties crossing the border. It is better to avoid problems than to solve them later, so please read the information below carefully.
What is necessary to enter the territory of Belarus first?
To enter the Republic of Belarus, a foreigner first needs an entry document (valid passport). Please note that the expiration date of the passport must exceed the date of intended departure from the territory of Belarus by at least 6 months, and it must have at least two blank pages intended for visas or other marks
You will also need a passport to leave the country and for transit (travel) through its territory.
Citizens of many countries need a visa to enter Belarus. You can check whether a visa is required here.
Visas are issued by diplomatic missions of Belarus abroad (embassies, consulates) depending on the purpose of the trip (private, business, tourism, treatment, etc.). In addition, visas are issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and internal affairs bodies.
Upon entry, a foreigner must have:
1. Passport.
2. Insurance policy. It can be purchased at embassy and consular offices of some countries upon receipt of a visa. An insurance policy can also be issued right at the border, from insurance company employees.
3. Funds necessary to cover expenses for stay in the Republic of Belarus and departure. If a foreigner travels to Belarus for a period of up to 1 month, he must have funds in the amount of at least 2 basic units (about USD 30) for each day of stay. If the duration of the trip is more than 1 month, the foreigner must have an amount equivalent to 50 basic units (about USD 750) for each month of stay.
Transit passage
For transit travel through the territory of the Republic of Belarus, two days (48 hours) are allotted from the date of entry. During this time, a foreigner traveling in transit must leave the country. The exception is cases of forced stop, due to which transit passage may take more time.
Forced stops include:
natural disasters, accidents and other emergencies of a natural and man-made nature that delay the movement of a vehicle;
the need to repair the vehicle;
illness of a foreign citizen - if, according to the conclusion of a medical institution of the Republic of Belarus, his further travel and/or the person traveling with him poses a danger to their life and health;
unforeseen delays at the transfer point - when transferring from one type of transport to another;
other unforeseen circumstances preventing further travel.
Prepare carefully for your trip, be polite with employees of diplomatic institutions and border guards - and then no problems will arise!

- Diplomatic representations of the Republic of Belarus
- Entry to, departure from and transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus for foreign citizens
- Diplomatic representations of foreign countries in the Republic of Belarus
- Health insurance regulations
- Customs regulations
- Registration of foreign citizens
Your Consultant

+375 (33) 333-26-66
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Most beautiful and cozy Hotels of Belarus 200+.
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Visa support for receiving a visa for entry to Republic of Belarus
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